Akhlaq Mustafa, Anas Iqbal Alvi, S.M. Asim, Parwaiz Akhter, Zaki Ahmed Siddiqui, Asim Ali Khan, R. P. Meena
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Akhlaq Mustafa1*, Anas Iqbal Alvi2, S.M. Asim3, Parwaiz Akhter4, Zaki Ahmed Siddiqui5, Asim Ali Khan6, R. P. Meena7
1R.O. (Chemistry) Drug Stanardization Research Unit, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine), New Delhi.
2R.A (Chemistry) Drug Stanardization Research Unit, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine), New Delhi.
3Ex Research Officer (Unani), DSRU, New Delhi.
4Ex Research Officer (Pharmacognosy), DSRU, New Delhi.
5R.O. (Unani) Drug Stanardization Research Unit,Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine), New Delhi.
6Director General, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine.
7R.O. (Chemistry), Central Council for Research In Unani Medicine, 61-65, Instituitional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi.
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2022
Since the time Hippocrates man has made the use the different Unani medicines for the treatment of various ailments and still vast majority of population depends on these drugs. So the herbal drugs are gaining more and more attention all over the world due to their long historical clinical practice and less side effects. “Qurs- e- Zarishk” is one of the most important poly-pharmaceutical Unani formulation widely used for the treatment of liver disorders and anemia. Since the formulation has a very effective role in curing such diseases with zero side effects (unlike in Modern Medicine) so all the ingredients used in this preparation are required to be authenticated and standardized properly for quality control purposes. The present paper deals with different physicochemical and biological parameters like botanical identification, microbial load, aflatoxin, pesticide residue, determination of heavy metals, qualitative and quantitative analysis of phyto-chemical constituents, solubility in alcohol and water, successive extractions, pH values, ash values, quantitative estimation of total phenolics, resins etc. Besides, TLC studies of successive extracts have also been carried out.
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Akhlaq Mustafa, Anas Iqbal Alvi, S.M. Asim, Parwaiz Akhter, Zaki Ahmed Siddiqui, Asim Ali Khan, R. P. Meena. Phytochemical and Pharmacognostical evaluation of an anti-inflammatory and Hapatoprotective poly-pharmaceutical preparation “Qurs-e-Zarishk”. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2022; 14(1):5-0. doi: 10.52711/0975-4385.2022.00002
Akhlaq Mustafa, Anas Iqbal Alvi, S.M. Asim, Parwaiz Akhter, Zaki Ahmed Siddiqui, Asim Ali Khan, R. P. Meena. Phytochemical and Pharmacognostical evaluation of an anti-inflammatory and Hapatoprotective poly-pharmaceutical preparation “Qurs-e-Zarishk”. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2022; 14(1):5-0. doi: 10.52711/0975-4385.2022.00002 Available on:
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