R, Ganer, M, A. Kamble, D. M. Dhabarde, A. R. Ingole, J. R. Baheti
R, Ganer*, M, A. Kamble*, D. M. Dhabarde, A. R. Ingole, Dr. J. R. Baheti
Kamla Nehru College of Pharmacy, Butibori, Nagpur-441108 (M.S.) India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 9,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2017
Terminalia catappa Linn is commonly known as tropical almond or Indian almond. The leaf bark and fruits has been used from a long time as a folk medicine in anti-diarrheic, anti-pyretic and as hemostatic. Leaf has been reported to possesses anti oxidative, Hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anti inflammatory and anti HIV reverse Transcriptase activity. Fruits of Terminalia catappa contains number of hydrolysable tannins also contain flavonoids. Different concentrations of the aqueous extract of Terminalia catappa fruits flesh extract have been evaluated for their analgesic as well as HRBC membrane stabilization activity. The percent inhibition was found 52.16 (80mg/ml) of test sample which is comparable to the percent inhibition of 64.85 (Table 1)for standard Aspirin (100 mg/ml) Also, high concentration (1000 µg/ml) of the fruit flesh extract was found to stabilize the HRBC membrane up to 65.37% (Table 2), which is comparable to the activity of the standard analgesic Aspirin (76.86%).
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R, Ganer, M, A. Kamble, D. M. Dhabarde, A. R. Ingole, J. R. Baheti. Evaluation of Analgesic and In-vitro Anti-Inflammatory potential of Fruit Flesh Extract of Terminalia catappa Linn. Res. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochem. 2017; 9(4): 228-230. doi: 10.5958/0975-4385.2017.00042.5
R, Ganer, M, A. Kamble, D. M. Dhabarde, A. R. Ingole, J. R. Baheti. Evaluation of Analgesic and In-vitro Anti-Inflammatory potential of Fruit Flesh Extract of Terminalia catappa Linn. Res. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochem. 2017; 9(4): 228-230. doi: 10.5958/0975-4385.2017.00042.5 Available on: