Ajay Kumar Meena, Brijendra Singh, Vijay Simha, V. Gautam, M. M. Rao
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Ajay Kumar Meena2, Brijendra Singh1*, Vijay Simha, V. Gautam1 and M. M. Rao2
1School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shobhit University, Meerut, UP, (India)
2National Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Research, Patiala – 147001 (Punjab)
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2012
Ashwagandha is a reputed drug mentioned in the ancient books of Ayurveda and Siddha for the treatment of stress, hypertension, rejuvenative, sound sleep, brain functions and reducing the high cholesterol levels. It is a stout shrub that reaches a height of 170 cm (5.6 ft). For the standardization of this drug Physico-chemical and Phyto-chemical parameters were carried out such as moisture content, ash values, pH values, extractability in water and alcohol were carried out. Thin Layer Chromatography studies were also carried out to ascertain the quality of this drug. The present study summarizes the difference in two places of Withania somnifera Dunal. This study also helps to identify the right place for cultivation of medicinal plants and quality assessment.
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Ajay Kumar Meena, Brijendra Singh, Vijay Simha, V. Gautam, M. M. Rao. A Comparative study for quality assessment of various location samples of Withania somnifera Dunal. Research J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2012; 4(1): 14-17.
Ajay Kumar Meena, Brijendra Singh, Vijay Simha, V. Gautam, M. M. Rao. A Comparative study for quality assessment of various location samples of Withania somnifera Dunal. Research J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2012; 4(1): 14-17. Available on: