Mohini B. Shelke, Dattaprasad N. Vikhe, Ravindra S. Jadhav
Mohini B. Shelke*, Dattaprasad N. Vikhe, Ravindra S. Jadhav
Department of Pharmacognosy, Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Pravaranagar A/p. Loni - 413736, Tal - Rahata, Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2022
With an adding number of people seeking remedies and health approaches free of synthetic chemicals' side goods, medicinal sauces are moving from the borderline to the mainstream. Over 3000 medicinal shops are officially recognized in India. In India, it is believed that over 6000 businesses sell traditional, folk, and herbal medicines. This composition aims to give a comprehensive review on the phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Caralluma fimbriata. It's attained from timbers throughout lesser corridor of India, it's extensively used in traditional medicinal system of India has been reported to retainanti-obesity, antioxidant, and anticancer exertion. It's known as a rich source of tannins, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides. Traditional drug uses the Caralluma rubric. The current composition covered the taxonomy of Caralluma into subgenera, the number of species, their distribution in different corridor of the world, and the pharmacological conduct of distinct Caralluma species. The antifungal and anthelmintic exertion of ethyl acetate and n-butanol excerpts from the stem of Caralluma fimbriata through, ascendens, a member of the Asclepiadaceae family, was delved in this work. Antifungal and anthelmintic parcels were delved against Aspergillusniger and Candida albicans, as well as earthworms Pheritima posthuma. It's discovered in India and is used as a carminative, anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, ant hyperglycemic, appetite suppressant, and other traditional drugs. Caralluma adscendens var. adscendens and Caralluma adscendens var. fimbriata are two comestible species plant in Maharashtra.
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Mohini B. Shelke, Dattaprasad N. Vikhe, Ravindra S. Jadhav. A Review on Caralluma adscendens: A Potential Medicinal Herb. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2022; 14(3):219-4. doi: 10.52711/0975-4385.2022.00039
Mohini B. Shelke, Dattaprasad N. Vikhe, Ravindra S. Jadhav. A Review on Caralluma adscendens: A Potential Medicinal Herb. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2022; 14(3):219-4. doi: 10.52711/0975-4385.2022.00039 Available on:
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