Pharmacognostic and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies on the Leaf of Beta vulgaris Linn. (Chenopodiaceae).


Darshna Y. Bhatt1*, Dr. S.S. Pandya2

1Assistant Professor, Kalol Institute of Pharmacy, Kalol, Gujarat

2Professor and P. G. Director, Shree Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Becharaji, Gujarat

*Corresponding Author E-mail:,



The present communication deals with the macroscopical, microscopical and preliminary Phytochemical screening on the Beta vulgaris Linn. (Chenopodiaceae). B.vulgaris Linn. is widely used in traditional medicine in many parts of India for the treatment of various diseases and ailments viz. hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antifungal etc. No reports are available on the pharmacognostic nature of leaf of plant. Hence, the present study was undertaken to investigate the same. All the parameters were studied according to the WHO and Pharmacopoeial guidelines. The qualitative chemical tests on the successive solvent extract revealed the presence of Steroids, Triterpenoids, Proteins, Alkaloids, Saponins and Carbohydrates.


KEYWORDS: Beta vulgaris L; Pharmacognostic; Traditional medicine, solvent extraction, Physico-chemical.



Beta vulgaris Linn. (Figure 1) also known as beet, Indian laburnum, belongs to the family Chenopodiaceae1. The Chenopodiaceae are a family of flowering plants, also called the goosefoot family. Recent gene-based APG system (1998) and the APG II classification system (2003) have included these plants in the family Amaranthaceae2. This family includes approximately 1400 species divided into 105 genera3. Members of this family are dicotyledonous and usually herbaceous in nature. It is a family of flowering plants.  The leaves of beets have long petioles (leaf stems) that all arise from the base of the plant. The leaves can be 10.2 - 45.7 cm or more in length, and dark shiny green to red. It bears small greenish or reddish flowers which lack petals. The "fruit" develops from aggregates of two or more flowers4. In traditional medicine, it is used in the treatment of hepatitis, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal and wound healing5. Ethanolic extract of roots of plant was reported to possess hepatoprotective activity against CCl4 induced toxicity in Rats6.


Various polyphenols content of this was reported to possess free radical scavenging assay against tocopherol7. Roots of the plant contains Various polyphenols which was reported to possess wound healing activity in ethanolic extract8.  Root of beta vulgaris also possess anti diabetic activities9.


This plant also contain various phenolics like betacyanins (betanin and isobetanin)10. Generally, root vegetables are a good  source of vitamins and minerals. The leaves and roots of beets are high in vitamins A and C11. Since B. vulgaris L. is known for its various medicinal properties hence the present study may be useful to supplement information with respect to its identification, authentication and standardization, since no such data is available for the same. Keeping these facts into consideration, attempts are made to establish pharmacognostic standards of the leaf of the plant.


Figure-1 Beta vulgaris L.


Plant Materials:

Plant material was collected from local market of Mansa, Gujarat, India and authenticated by Dr. Ila Patel, Assistant Professor, Life science Department Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat. The specimens of the plants were also preserved in lab (DB-HDT-4-2009). The plant was stored under the normal environmental condition.



The Macroscopical characters were studied as per the procedure given in WHO guidelines and Indian herbal Pharmacopoeia. Physico-chemical parameters such as extractive values, ash values, loss on drying were performed as per the official standard procedures12-13. Microscopical investigations of leaf were made with taking transverse sections and powder microscopy of the leaf was performed according to the prescribed procedure14-15.


Preliminary Phytochemical Studeies:

For phytochemical screening, the leaves were shade dried, powdered and successive solvent extraction performed with different solvents of increasing polarity like petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethanol and water16. After complete extraction the extract was evaporated under reduced pressure and the percentage yield, color, consistency was determined. The individual extract obtained by successive solvent extraction was subjected to qualitative chemical test and then thin layer chromatographic studies17 in order to confirm Phytoconstituents detected by chemical test.




Macroscopically the leaf was found to be green to light green in color with purple venation (Figure 2, Table1).


Figure-2 Leaf of Beta vulgaris L.


Table 1 Macroscopical Evaluation of  leaf of Beta vulgaris L.



Fleshy, semi cylindrical in cross section


Leaf type


Leaf blade edges


Leaf arrangement

4-18 in (10.2-45.7 cm) or more in length

the leaves are simple (lobed or unlobed but not separated into leaflets)

the edge of the leaf blade is entire (has no teeth or lobes)

alternate: there is one leaf per node along the stem


Dark shiny green to red





The Transverse Section (Figure 3) of the leaf showed the presence of Dorsiventral type of mesophyll in lamina. Upper epidermis is made of single layered cells which contain anomocytic stomata (ranunculaceous). Below upper epidemis it has 1-2 layered Palisade which is absent above vascular bundles of midrib. Below palisade it has multilayered Spongy parenchyma which contains distinct, transeversly cut vascular bundles as in midrib. Lower epidermis is same as upper epidermis but have numerous stomata. In Midrib, Collenchyma is present below upper epidermis and above lower epidermis. It also has Hydrocentic type Vascular bundle.



Figure 3. Microscopy of Beta vulgaris leaf

A. T. S. of leaf, B. midrib section, C. lamina section, UE upper epidermis LE lower epidermis C collenchymas P parenchyma Ph phloem Xy Xylem Pa palisade SP spongy parenchyma.




Figure 4 Powder microscopy of Beta vulgaris L. A. anomocytic stomata B. xylem vessels C. fibers.



Powder Microscopy:

Powder microscopy of the leaf shows the presence of anomocytic stomata, Parenchymatous cells, xylem vessel and fibers (Figure 4).


Physico Chemical Studies:

The values of the physical constant like ash values, extractive values, loss on drying were determined (Table 2). The physical characteristics and percentage yield of the successive solvent extract are given in (Table 4). Preliminary qualitative phytochemical screening of the extracts revealed the presence of steroids, triterpenoids, carbohydrate, flavonoids, phenolics and proteins (Table 3).


Table 2 proximate analytical parameters

Sr. No.


Average values*(%w/w)


Extractive Value


Water soluble Extractive

15.30 ± 0.058


Alcohol soluble Extractive

7.80 ± 0.058


Ether soluble



Loss on drying



Ash Value


Total ash



Water soluble ash



Acid insoluble ash


*All values are expressed as Mean ± SEM




Table 3 Preliminary phytoprofile of Beta vulgaris

Successive solvent system

 Pet. ether



 Ethyl acetate




Blackish green

Blackish green

Brownish green

Brownish green

Reddish green

Light brown


Non sticky




Non- sticky

Non-sticky, dry

Yield (%w/w)







Phyto-chemical constituents

Steroids, Tepenoides, Fatty acids

Steroids, Tepenoides

Triterpenoids, Alkaloids

Triterpenoid, Alkaloids

Phenolic, Carbohydrates, proteins, saponins

Carbohydrates, protein, saponins


Table 4 TLC profile of successive solvent extract

Solvent system

Phyto-constituents detected

Spraying reagents used

Pet. ether



Ethyl acetate



Toluene: methanol (9:1)



0.22, 0.42

0.38, 0.26, 0.20

0.38, 0.26, 0.20




Toluene: methanol (9:1)


Lieberman burchard

0.62, 0.48, 0.24

0.20, 0.24

0.20, 0.46, 0.61




Chloroform: EA : Methanol (6:12:2)


Dragendorff’s reagent



0.34, 0.52




n-butanol: GAA:water (6:2:2)








0.39, 0.59

Ethyl acetate : Methanol: Water (75.5:13.5:10)


VS reagent







0.44, 0.62

n-butanol: GAA:water: FA (14:4.5:4:1)







0.47, 0.35




Herbal medicine is a triumph of popular therapeutic diversity. Almost in all the traditional medicine, the medicinal plants play the major role and constitute the backbone for the same. In order to make sure the safe use of these medicines, a necessary first step is the establishment of standards of quality, safety and efficacy. Standardization of herbal drugs is very essential, as they are derived from heterogeneous sources which can lead to variations. These variations can lead to erroneous results in various pharmacological and phytochemical studies. In other words, the pharmacognostic features examined in the present study may serve as tool for identification of the plant for validation of the raw material and for standardization of its formulations at Herbal industrial level in the coming days with reference to available data of Chenopodiaceae family.



The author is thankful to the Kalol Institute of Pharmacy, Kalol, Gujarat for providing all the facilities to accomplish the research work.



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Received on 23.07.2015       Modified on 10.08.2015

Accepted on 16.08.2015      ©A&V Publications All right reserved

Res.  J. Pharmacognosy & Phytochem. 7(3): July-Sept. 2015; Page 163-166

DOI: 10.5958/0975-4385.2015.00027.8